Your privacy matters

  • Your data is not used for our advertising.
  • We enable you to collaborate but also give you the ability to control information sharing.
  • You own and retain all rights to your data.

Independently verified

  • Our service is verified to meet requirements specified in ISO 27001, EU model clauses, HIPAA BAA, and FISMA.
  • Our data processing agreement details privacy, security, and handling of customer data, which helps you comply with local regulations.

Service continuity

  • We financially back our guarantee of 99.9% uptime.
  • We have redundancy at the physical, data, and functional layers, giving you high availability.
  • We have disaster recovery capabilities to keep you up and running.

Relentless on security

  • Our built-in security features are a result of over a decade of providing and protecting online services.
  • We provide flexible security settings that enable you to have control over your information.
  • Our security processes monitor, anticipate, and mitigate threats to protect your data.